Time-aware metapaths can capture real temporal account interaction patterns, and the proposed Time-aware Metapath Feature Augmentation (TMFAug) module can effectively improve the performance of existing Ponzi detection methods on Ethereum.
The paper introduces Time-aware Metapath Feature Augmentation (TMFAug) as a generic module to enhance Ponzi scheme detection on Ethereum.
Key highlights:
- Ethereum blockchain data is modeled as both homogeneous transaction graphs and heterogeneous interaction graphs. The heterogeneous graph captures richer information such as account types, transaction and contract call edges, and timestamps.
- Time-aware metapaths are proposed to capture temporal account interaction patterns, which impose timestamp constraints on timeless metapaths. Symbiotic relationship and behavioral refinement criteria are introduced to reduce information redundancy.
- The TMFAug module aggregates the heterogeneous features associated with temporal behavior patterns to the homogeneous transaction graphs, improving the performance of existing Ponzi detection methods.
- Extensive experiments show that TMFAug can significantly boost the performance of various Ponzi detection methods on the Ethereum dataset, demonstrating the effectiveness of incorporating temporal and heterogeneous information.
The Ethereum dataset contains 57,130 nodes and 86,602 edges in the homogeneous transaction graph, and 57,130 nodes, 984,498 transaction edges, and 1,780,781 contract call edges in the heterogeneous interaction graph.
The dataset includes 191 labeled Ponzi accounts.
"Existing graph-based abnormal behavior detection methods on blockchain usually focus on constructing homogeneous transaction graphs without distinguishing the heterogeneity of nodes and edges, resulting in partial loss of transaction pattern information."
"Time-aware metapaths can impose timestamp constraints on timeless metapaths to ensure capturing temporal account interaction patterns."
"The proposed TMFAug module can effectively improve the performance of existing Ponzi detection methods on the Ethereum dataset, indicating the effectiveness of heterogeneous temporal information for Ponzi scheme detection."