This article recounts the author's personal experience with Git and their decision to switch to a different version control system.
The author highlights the prevalence of Git as a standard tool for version control in various fields, including programming, writing, and collaborative document editing. They admit to using Git since 2012 but confess to experiencing "fatigue and irritation" due to its complexity.
The author emphasizes their struggle to grasp the fundamental principles of Git, particularly its reliance on acyclic-directed graphs. They express frustration with the need to relearn Git commands and concepts after breaks from using it.
Specifically, the author mentions difficulties in remembering the distinctions between staging and committing, as well as the nuances of commands like "git add --amend," "git reset," and "git restore." They also describe challenges in managing virtual branches and resolving merge conflicts, likening the experience to navigating a "railway marshaling yard."
Ultimately, the author concludes that their struggles with Git stem from their inability to fully comprehend its intricacies, leading them to seek a more user-friendly alternative. However, the article does not disclose the specific alternative version control system chosen by the author.
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by Josef Cruz : javascript.plainenglish.... 10-23-2024 Derin Sorular