The paper investigates the relationship between segmentation quality, measured by Dice coefficients, and volumetric accuracy, represented by volume prediction error (vpe), in medical imaging tasks.
The authors provide a theoretical analysis to derive the upper and lower bounds of vpe based on the Dice coefficient. They demonstrate that to ensure a volume prediction error below 10%, a Dice coefficient of at least 95.2% must be achieved.
The empirical validation across diverse medical imaging datasets, including CT and MRI scans of various organs, confirms the strong correlation between Dice coefficients and volume prediction accuracy. The authors highlight that while Dice coefficients are widely used, they do not directly capture the accuracy of volume predictions, which is crucial in clinical applications such as disease progression evaluation and treatment planning.
The findings emphasize the importance of incorporating volumetric prediction accuracy into the evaluation of segmentation models, providing clinicians with a more nuanced understanding of segmentation performance and its impact on real-world healthcare settings.
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by Zheyuan Zhan... klo 04-30-2024ällisempiä Kysymyksiä