Highly intelligent individuals experience lower life satisfaction when socializing more frequently due to their evolved ability to solve problems independently, diminishing the importance of friendships.
Intelligent people may find less joy in socializing with friends due to their evolved problem-solving abilities. The savanna theory of happiness suggests that ancestral conditions influence modern behavior, leading highly intelligent individuals to seek friendships less. Urban settings are more comfortable for intelligent people, who may not benefit as much from social interactions as less intelligent individuals.
"In a paper published in the British Journal of Psychology, researchers Norman Li and Satoshi Kanazawa report that highly intelligent people experience lower life satisfaction when they socialize with friends more frequently."
"The researchers analyzed the survey responses of 15,197 individuals between the ages of 18 and 28."
"The survey results also revealed that smarter people were less likely to feel that they benefited from friendships."
"Intelligence is believed to have evolved as a psychological mechanism to solve novel problems."
"Urbanites have higher average intelligence than ruralites do."
"In general, urbanites have higher average intelligence than ruralites do, possibly because more intelligent individuals are better able to live in ‘unnatural’ settings of high population density."
"It is extremely natural for species like humans to seek and desire friendships and, as a result, more intelligent individuals are likely to seek them less."