Temel Kavramlar
By incorporating a previously overlooked non-linear term arising from the interaction between velocity fields and density fluctuations, this study derives exact scaling exponents for the Nambu-Goldstone modes in the two-dimensional Vicsek model, demonstrating isotropic scaling and reconciling theoretical predictions with recent numerical simulations.
The numerical simulation in d = 2 was conducted for a system size of N ∼10^9.
The largest system size used to calculate the correlation function was L = 8000 in d = 2.
"Numerical studies of the Vicsek model for moderate system size N ∼10^6 reported results consistent with TT95 [18, 19]. However, a recent extensive numerical simulation for larger system size N ∼10^9 uncovered scaling behaviors that are distinct from the predictions of TT95."
"Notably, the simulation indicates almost isotropic scaling in the ordered phase [20], while TT95 predicts anisotropic scaling [15]."
"Here, we reconcile the above discrepancy between the theory and numerical simulation."
"A critical insight is that the symmetry of NG modes differs from the velocity field due to the hybridization of the velocity field and density fluctuations."
"Consequently, our EOM incorporates an additional non-linear term that was overlooked in previous studies."
"The new scaling exponents obtained by this work confirm the isotropic scaling observed in the recent numerical simulation of the Vicsek model [20]."