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içgörü - Language Models - # Knowledge Cutoffs in LLMs

Understanding Knowledge Cutoffs in Large Language Models

Temel Kavramlar
Effective knowledge cutoffs in LLMs differ from reported cutoff dates due to deduplication issues and temporal misalignment of CommonCrawl dumps.

The content delves into the complexities of knowledge cutoffs in Large Language Models (LLMs). It discusses the importance of effective cutoff dates, distinct from reported ones, and highlights issues such as deduplication challenges and temporal misalignments in training data. The analysis reveals discrepancies between reported and effective cutoffs, impacting the usability and accuracy of LLMs for users.


  1. Abstract:
    • Effective knowledge cutoff vs. reported dates.
    • Proposal for automatic determination of effective cutoffs.
  2. Introduction:
    • Lack of transparency in providing pre-training data.
    • Importance of understanding knowledge cutoff dates.
  3. Related Work:
    • Documenting LLM training data.
    • Membership inference attacks on LLMs.
  4. Methodology:
    • Probing LLMs to determine resource-level effective cutoffs.
    • Time-spanning datasets for evaluation.
  5. Results:
    • Analysis of perplexity curves for different models based on datasets used.
  6. Complications:
    • Deduplication challenges in training pipelines.
  7. Misalignment Factors:
    • Impact of deduplication failures on alignment with reported dates.
    • Influence of older data in CommonCrawl dumps on model training.

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"FalconRW removed all documents that had the top-level domain of Wikipedia, so they could use FalconRW in conjunction with a curated version of Wikipedia in the future (as they did in the unreleased main Falcon dataset). They assumed this would deduplicate the data, however, we find that due to versioning and Wikipedia mirrors, there are still near duplicate Wikipedia documents." "Similarly, the Pile also contains accidentally duplicated Wikipedia documents." "We show an example in Table 3 of a pair of documents which contain the same three-sentence span."
"Imagine a layperson using an LLM for tax advice, without realizing that the effective cutoff of the tax code is 2022 and thus outdated – despite the fact that the reported cutoff is advertised as 2023." "As re-training a LLM is prohibitively expensive, it is infeasible for LLMs to keep up with living online resources." "Our results show that knowledge cutoffs are not as simple as they have seemed and that care must be taken both by LLM dataset curators as well as practitioners who seek to use information from these models."

Önemli Bilgiler Şuradan Elde Edildi

by Jeffrey Chen... : 03-20-2024
Dated Data

Daha Derin Sorular

Why do deduplication pipelines fail to control semantic duplicates effectively?

Deduplication pipelines in Large Language Models (LLMs) often struggle to effectively control semantic duplicates due to the complexity of language and the nuances involved in determining similarity. Semantic duplicates refer to documents or text passages that convey the same meaning but may have slight variations in wording, structure, or formatting. These variations can make it challenging for automated systems to accurately identify and remove all instances of semantic duplicates. One reason for this challenge is that traditional deduplication methods rely on surface-level features such as exact matching of text strings or simple metrics like edit distance. However, these approaches may not capture the underlying semantics of the text accurately, leading to false positives or negatives in duplicate detection. Moreover, language is inherently ambiguous and context-dependent, making it difficult for algorithms to discern subtle differences in meaning between similar texts. This ambiguity can result in misclassification of semantically equivalent but lexically different documents as unique entries during deduplication processes. Additionally, the sheer volume of data processed by LLMs poses a scalability issue for deduplication pipelines. The vast amount of information makes it impractical to manually review each potential duplicate pair for semantic equivalence, necessitating automated solutions that may not always capture nuanced semantic relationships accurately. In summary, deduplication pipelines face challenges in controlling semantic duplicates effectively due to limitations in capturing nuanced semantics, reliance on surface-level features for similarity assessment, and scalability issues when dealing with large volumes of data.

How can creators align their models' effective knowledge cutoff with reported dates more accurately?

Creators can take several steps to align their models' effective knowledge cutoff with reported dates more accurately: Enhanced Deduplication Techniques: Implement advanced deduplication techniques that go beyond simple string matching and consider semantic similarities between documents. Utilize natural language processing (NLP) tools like word embeddings or topic modeling algorithms to identify semantically equivalent content. Fine-tuning Data Selection: Curate training datasets carefully by selecting diverse sources while ensuring temporal alignment across all included resources. Regularly update datasets with newer versions of content from reliable sources. Ground Truth Verification: Validate model outputs against ground truth data sets containing known versions of training documents at specific time points. Use this information as a reference point for evaluating model performance over time. 4...