The content discusses the limitations of using entropy as a confidence metric for test-time adaptation and introduces DeYO, a method that leverages PLPD to consider shape information of objects. DeYO consistently outperforms baseline methods across different scenarios, showcasing its effectiveness in addressing distribution shifts and improving model performance.
The primary challenge of Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) is limited access to the entire test dataset during online updates, leading to error accumulation. Previous methods have relied on entropy as a confidence metric, but its reliability diminishes under biased scenarios due to spurious correlation shifts.
DeYO introduces PLPD as a novel confidence metric that quantifies the influence of shape information on predictions by measuring changes before and after object-destructive transformations. By prioritizing samples rooted in Commonly Positively-coRrelated with label (CPR) factors, DeYO improves model adaptation robustness.
Extensive experiments demonstrate DeYO's consistent superiority over baseline methods across various scenarios, including biased and wild settings. The method effectively addresses distribution shifts and outperforms existing TTA approaches by considering both entropy and PLPD in sample selection and weighting processes.
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