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The proposed FlightBERT++ framework can efficiently perform multi-horizon flight trajectory prediction in a non-autoregressive manner by leveraging a horizon-aware context generator and a differential-prompted decoder.
The paper presents the FlightBERT++ framework, a novel approach for multi-horizon flight trajectory prediction (FTP). Key highlights:
The framework is designed to perform non-autoregressive multi-horizon FTP, addressing the limitations of error accumulation and low computational efficiency in conventional autoregressive approaches.
It introduces a differential prediction paradigm to mitigate the high-bit prediction errors associated with the binary encoding (BE) representation used in the previous FlightBERT model.
The core components include:
- A trajectory encoder that learns temporal-spatial patterns from historical observations.
- A horizon-aware context generator (HACG) that produces multi-horizon context representations, enabling direct (non-autoregressive) multi-horizon prediction.
- A differential-prompted decoder that leverages the stationarity of the differential sequence to enhance prediction performance.
Experiments on a real-world flight trajectory dataset demonstrate that the proposed FlightBERT++ outperforms competitive baselines in both FTP accuracy and computational efficiency.
The dataset contains 9 days of flight trajectory data with 20-second intervals, covering a region with longitude range [94.616°, 113.689°] and latitude range [19.305°, 37.275°].
The key attributes of each trajectory point include timestamp, call sign, longitude, latitude, altitude, and velocity in x, y, z directions.
"Benefiting from the superior trajectory representation ability of the FlightBERT, the proposed framework inherits the BE representation from the FlightBERT, and is also implemented based on the MBC paradigm."
"Compared with conventional architecture, an innovative horizon-aware contexts generator is dedicatedly designed to consider the prior horizon information, which further enables non-autoregressive multi-horizon prediction."
"Considering the stationarity of the differential sequence in flight trajectory, a differential-prompted decoder is proposed to facilitate the learning of transition patterns in trajectory sequences, which further improves the performance of the FlightBERT++."