Shimon, M., & Rephaeli, Y. (2024). Differing Manifestations of Spatial Curvature in Cosmological FRW Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.00080v1.
This research paper investigates the potential for a mismatch between two manifestations of spatial curvature in the standard cosmological model: the curvature parameter influencing the paths of incoming photons and the curvature parameter dictating the evolution of spacetime.
The authors analyze various cosmological datasets, including the Planck 2018 CMB data, Dark Energy Survey Year 1 results, Baryonic Oscillation data, and the Pantheon SNIa catalog. They employ a modified cosmological model that allows for independent curvature parameters in the time-redshift and distance-time relations, introducing a "curvature slip" parameter (κ) to quantify the discrepancy. The authors then use the Deviance Information Criterion (DIC) to compare the statistical performance of their modified model against the standard ΛCDM and KΛCDM models.
The analysis reveals a statistically significant "curvature slip" (κ≠0) when local measurements of the Hubble Constant (SH0ES prior) are incorporated. This suggests a potential inconsistency within the standard cosmological model, where the curvature governing photon trajectories might differ from the curvature dictating spacetime expansion. The modified model, allowing for this discrepancy, demonstrates a better fit to the data compared to both ΛCDM and KΛCDM models, particularly when the SH0ES prior is included.
The study's findings point towards a potential anomaly in the standard cosmological model, highlighting a possible mismatch in the spatial curvature parameter as it appears in different aspects of the model. This "curvature slip" could indicate the need for refinements or extensions to the standard model, potentially challenging the assumption of a single, consistent curvature parameter governing both photon paths and spacetime evolution.
This research contributes to the ongoing debate surrounding tensions and anomalies within the standard cosmological model. The identified "curvature slip" adds to a growing list of discrepancies observed between theoretical predictions and observational data, prompting further investigation into the fundamental assumptions underlying our understanding of the Universe's geometry and evolution.
The study acknowledges the phenomenological nature of the introduced "curvature slip" parameter, lacking a concrete physical interpretation at this stage. Future research should explore potential theoretical frameworks that could explain this discrepancy, possibly involving modifications to General Relativity or the inclusion of additional physical components in the cosmological model. Further investigation with expanded datasets and refined analysis techniques is crucial to confirm and solidify the findings, potentially leading to a more accurate and comprehensive model of the Universe.
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by Meir Shimon,... at 11-04-2024 Inquiries