Baier, S., & Paul, S. (2024). An uncountable subring of R with Hausdorff dimension zero. arXiv:2411.13519v1 [math.NT].
This paper aims to construct an uncountable subring of the real numbers (ℝ) that possesses a Hausdorff dimension of zero.
The authors define a specific set S consisting of zero and powers of 2. They then generate sumsets of S, denoted as nS, and construct sets An comprising real numbers formed by specific infinite series involving elements from nS. They prove that each An is an uncountable subgroup of ℝ and further demonstrate that each An has Hausdorff dimension zero by bounding the number of elements in nS less than a given value and analyzing the Hausdorff measure of specific coverings of An. Finally, they define the set A as the union of all An and prove that A is an uncountable subring of ℝ with Hausdorff dimension zero.
The authors successfully construct an uncountable subring of the real numbers with Hausdorff dimension zero. This construction implies that the subring also has Lebesgue measure zero. Additionally, the authors establish that this subring is not a field as it only contains dyadic rationals.
This work contributes to the understanding of the structure of the real numbers by demonstrating the existence of an uncountable subring with zero Hausdorff dimension. This result has implications for measure theory and fractal geometry.
The paper focuses on a specific construction of a subring with desired properties. Exploring alternative constructions or generalizing this approach to other settings could be areas for future research. Additionally, investigating the properties of this specific subring further, such as its algebraic structure or topological characteristics, could provide deeper insights.
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by Stephan Baie... at 11-21-2024 Inquiries