The paper discusses the application of the iterative Linear Quadratic Regulator (iLQR) control strategy to control the movement of a differential mobile robot along a predefined trajectory. The key points are:
Introduction to the Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) control and its limitations in handling nonlinear systems. The iLQR is presented as an extension of LQR that can provide optimal control for nonlinear systems by considering the entire control sequence rather than just the current time-step.
Explanation of the mathematical background, including the cost function, value function, and the iterative algorithm used in iLQR to compute the optimal control sequence.
Description of the kinematic model of the differential mobile robot, which is used as the example application for the control strategies.
Simulation results comparing the performance of the LQR and iLQR approaches in tracking a predefined trajectory for the differential mobile robot. The results show that both approaches provide good tracking behavior, with a slight improvement observed in the iLQR case.
The paper concludes that the iLQR approach encompasses the concepts of the LQR approach by considering the total cost, and provides a stable solution with minimal errors for the trajectory tracking problem of the differential mobile robot.
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by Ayoub Aaqaou... om 04-30-2024 vragen