The study explores the adaptation of Precision and Recall metrics from image generation to text generation for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs). It reveals significant insights into the performance of state-of-the-art language models, highlighting a trade-off between quality and diversity in generated samples. The research advances distribution-based NLP evaluation by introducing novel metrics tailored to open-ended generation tasks.
The implementation of CAME is publicly available, introducing a new evaluation framework focusing on Precision and Recall metrics adapted from image to text generation. The study evaluates state-of-the-art language models, revealing insights into their performance on open-ended tasks not captured by traditional benchmarks. The findings highlight a trade-off between quality and diversity in generated samples, particularly when models are fine-tuned with human feedback.
Benchmarks designed for specific tasks are reconsidered as LLMs encompass various tasks, prompting the community to develop new methods for comparing these models. Distribution-based metrics aim to quantify differences between human-written texts' distribution and that learned by LLMs without aligned corpora. The work extends the toolkit for distribution-based NLP evaluation, offering insights into current LLM capabilities in generating diverse high-quality text.
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by Florian Le B... om 02-29-2024 vragen