The article presents experimental evidence for the formation of repulsively bound magnon states in the Ising-like chain antiferromagnet BaCo2V2O8. Traditionally, composite objects stabilized by repulsive forces were thought to be theoretically possible but unlikely to occur in natural systems due to their fragility. However, the authors show that in the presence of large transverse magnetic fields, below the quantum critical point, the system exhibits spectroscopic signatures of repulsively bound three-magnon states and bound magnon pairs.
The authors compare their experimental results to theoretical models for the Heisenberg-Ising chain antiferromagnet, a well-studied quantum many-body system. They find that these high-energy, repulsively bound magnon states are well-separated from continua, exhibit notable dynamical responses, and are sufficiently long-lived to be identified despite dissipation. The authors suggest that the transport properties in spin chains can be altered by the presence of these magnon bound states, and envision potential applications in magnonic-based quantum information processing technologies.
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by Zhe Wang,Cat... om 06-26-2024 vragen