PARALLAX is a compiler for neutral atom quantum computers that aims to efficiently leverage the unique properties of neutral atom systems to reduce errors and increase parallelism in quantum circuit execution.
The key steps of PARALLAX are:
Initialization of Qubit Placement: PARALLAX uses GRAPHINE to construct an initial qubit topology where frequently interacting qubits are placed close together. It then discretizes the qubit locations to respect hardware constraints, such as the minimum separation distance.
Planning for Optimal AOD Movement: PARALLAX places only one qubit per row/column in the AOD (mobile qubits) to simplify the movement constraints. It selects the qubits for the AOD based on the number of out-of-range interactions and the degree of serialization they would cause.
Scheduling of Gates and Movements: PARALLAX schedules gates in parallel layers, moving AOD qubits within the interaction radius of other qubits as needed. It shuffles the gate order within each layer to avoid biasing certain qubits. It also checks for and resolves Rydberg blockade effects.
Parallelization of Logical Shots: PARALLAX creates multiple copies of the circuit across the entire atom array and executes them in parallel, maximizing hardware utilization.
PARALLAX's design choices, such as the one-qubit-per-row/column AOD constraint and the parallelization of logical shots, help it achieve significant reductions in the number of high-error CZ gates and higher probabilities of success compared to state-of-the-art techniques like ELDI and GRAPHINE.
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by Jason Ludmir... om 09-10-2024 vragen