EquiformerV2 is a novel Equivariant Transformer that outperforms previous methods on the OC20 dataset. By scaling to higher degrees, it achieves up to 9% improvement in forces and 4% in energies. The model offers better speed-accuracy trade-offs and reduces DFT calculations needed for computing adsorption energies by 2ˆ. EquiformerV2 also shows better data efficiency compared to GemNet-OC when trained on only the OC22 dataset. The proposed architectural improvements include attention re-normalization, separable S2 activation, and separable layer normalization. These enhancements enable EquiformerV2 to efficiently incorporate higher-degree tensors and improve performance significantly.
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by Yi-Lun Liao,... at arxiv.org 03-08-2024
https://arxiv.org/pdf/2306.12059.pdfDeeper Inquiries