Lamont, S., Norrish, M., Walder, C., Dezfouli, A., & Montague, P. (2024). 3D-PROVER: DIVERSITY DRIVEN THEOREM PROVING WITH DETERMINANTAL POINT PROCESSES. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11133.
This paper addresses the challenge of intractable search spaces in automated theorem proving, aiming to develop a more efficient method for exploring possible proof paths.
The researchers developed 3D-Prover, a system that augments existing theorem provers by incorporating a filtering mechanism based on Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs). 3D-Prover learns from previous proof attempts to generate semantically aware tactic representations, capturing their effect on the proving environment. These representations are then used to select a diverse set of high-quality tactics, effectively pruning the search space and guiding the prover towards more promising paths.
This research highlights the potential of incorporating learned environment dynamics and diversity-driven search into automated theorem proving. By effectively pruning the search space and prioritizing promising tactics, 3D-Prover offers a significant step towards tackling the complexity of automated formal reasoning.
This work contributes to the field of automated reasoning by presenting a novel approach to improve proof search efficiency. The use of learned tactic representations and DPPs for diversity-driven search offers a promising direction for tackling more complex theorems and advancing the capabilities of automated theorem provers.
The study primarily focuses on the miniF2F benchmark and the ReProver LLM. Further research could explore the effectiveness of 3D-Prover with other theorem provers and on more complex theorem proving tasks. Additionally, investigating the integration of 3D-Prover with other search algorithms and exploring continual learning of the transition model are promising avenues for future work.
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