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insight - Logic and Formal Methods - # Automated Theorem Proving

3D-Prover: Enhancing Automated Theorem Proving with Diversity-Driven Search Using Determinantal Point Processes and Learned Environment Dynamics

Core Concepts
3D-Prover improves the efficiency of automated theorem proving by using learned environment dynamics to guide a diversity-driven search process, leading to a higher success rate in finding proofs, especially for complex theorems requiring deeper search.

3D-Prover: Diversity Driven Theorem Proving With Determinantal Point Processes

Bibliographic Information:

Lamont, S., Norrish, M., Walder, C., Dezfouli, A., & Montague, P. (2024). 3D-PROVER: DIVERSITY DRIVEN THEOREM PROVING WITH DETERMINANTAL POINT PROCESSES. arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.11133.

Research Objective:

This paper addresses the challenge of intractable search spaces in automated theorem proving, aiming to develop a more efficient method for exploring possible proof paths.


The researchers developed 3D-Prover, a system that augments existing theorem provers by incorporating a filtering mechanism based on Determinantal Point Processes (DPPs). 3D-Prover learns from previous proof attempts to generate semantically aware tactic representations, capturing their effect on the proving environment. These representations are then used to select a diverse set of high-quality tactics, effectively pruning the search space and guiding the prover towards more promising paths.

Key Findings:

  • Tactic representations can be learned effectively from synthetic data generated during proof attempts, capturing information about their likelihood of success, execution time, and effect on the proving environment.
  • Using DPPs to filter tactics based on these learned representations significantly improves the performance of automated theorem proving.
  • 3D-Prover, when applied to the ReProver LLM, demonstrates a notable increase in overall proof rate, tactic success rate, execution time efficiency, and diversity of explored proof paths.

Main Conclusions:

This research highlights the potential of incorporating learned environment dynamics and diversity-driven search into automated theorem proving. By effectively pruning the search space and prioritizing promising tactics, 3D-Prover offers a significant step towards tackling the complexity of automated formal reasoning.


This work contributes to the field of automated reasoning by presenting a novel approach to improve proof search efficiency. The use of learned tactic representations and DPPs for diversity-driven search offers a promising direction for tackling more complex theorems and advancing the capabilities of automated theorem provers.

Limitations and Future Research:

The study primarily focuses on the miniF2F benchmark and the ReProver LLM. Further research could explore the effectiveness of 3D-Prover with other theorem provers and on more complex theorem proving tasks. Additionally, investigating the integration of 3D-Prover with other search algorithms and exploring continual learning of the transition model are promising avenues for future work.


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Approximately 75% of tactics result in an execution error in the miniF2F benchmark. GPT-4 only able to solve 13.5% of the miniF2F-test benchmark. A single pass of the miniF2F-valid benchmark (244 proofs) generates approximately 500,000 transitions.

Deeper Inquiries

How might the principles of 3D-Prover be applied to other domains that involve complex search spaces, such as program synthesis or game playing?

The principles underlying 3D-Prover, namely semantically aware representation learning and diversity-driven search, hold significant potential for application in other domains grappling with complex search spaces, such as program synthesis and game playing. Program Synthesis: Transition-Aware Representations: Similar to tactics in theorem proving, code snippets in program synthesis can be embedded into a vector space where semantic similarity reflects their effect on program state. This could involve training a model to predict the output of a code snippet, the change in program variables, or whether it leads to runtime errors. Diversity-Driven Exploration: Instead of solely relying on the likelihood of a code snippet being correct, a DPP-based approach could be used to sample a diverse set of candidate snippets. This encourages exploration of different programming paradigms or algorithmic approaches, potentially leading to more efficient or elegant solutions. Game Playing: Representing Game States and Moves: In game playing, the concepts of "goal" and "tactic" can be mapped to "game state" and "move" respectively. A transition model could be trained to predict the resulting game state after applying a move, along with metrics like game score change or win probability. Diverse Move Selection: Instead of always choosing the move with the highest estimated win probability, a DPP-based approach could sample a set of diverse moves. This could help avoid getting trapped in local optima of the search space, encourage exploration of unconventional strategies, and potentially lead to discovering novel winning approaches. Key Challenges: Defining Appropriate Transition Models: The success of this approach hinges on designing transition models that effectively capture the semantics of the domain. This might require incorporating domain-specific knowledge or using more sophisticated model architectures. Balancing Exploration and Exploitation: While diversity is crucial for exploration, it needs to be balanced with exploiting promising search paths. Adaptive mechanisms for adjusting the diversity-quality trade-off during search would be beneficial.

Could the reliance on synthetic data generated from previous proof attempts limit the generalizability of 3D-Prover to entirely new problem domains or proof assistants?

Yes, the reliance on synthetic data from previous proof attempts could limit the generalizability of 3D-Prover in certain scenarios: New Problem Domains: When faced with entirely new problem domains where prior proof attempts are scarce or non-existent, 3D-Prover's transition model would lack the data necessary to learn effective representations and predict tactic quality. This cold-start problem could hinder its performance in such scenarios. Different Proof Assistants: Proof assistants can vary significantly in their underlying logic, supported tactics, and proof strategies. A transition model trained on data from one proof assistant might not generalize well to another, as the semantics of tactics and proof states could differ substantially. Mitigation Strategies: Transfer Learning: Pre-training the transition model on a large corpus of proofs from various domains and proof assistants could provide a good starting point for adaptation to new settings. Domain Adaptation Techniques: Techniques like fine-tuning the transition model on a smaller dataset from the target domain or using adversarial training to learn domain-invariant representations could help bridge the gap. Hybrid Approaches: Combining 3D-Prover with other search methods that do not rely solely on synthetic data, such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) or reinforcement learning-based methods, could provide a more robust solution.

If we view the process of theorem proving as a form of creative problem-solving, does the emphasis on efficiency and automation in systems like 3D-Prover risk overlooking potentially elegant or insightful proof paths that might be discovered through less constrained exploration?

This is a valid concern. While 3D-Prover's focus on efficiency and automation is valuable for tackling complex proofs, it could potentially come at the expense of overlooking elegant or insightful proof paths that might arise from less constrained exploration. Here's why: Bias Towards Known Patterns: The transition model in 3D-Prover learns from past proof attempts, which could bias it towards replicating existing proof patterns and potentially miss novel or unconventional approaches. Limited Definition of "Quality": The definition of "quality" in 3D-Prover is primarily driven by metrics like tactic success rate and execution time. This might not fully capture the elegance, conciseness, or mathematical depth that often characterize insightful proofs. Mitigating the Risk: Incorporating "Elegance" Metrics: Exploring ways to quantify proof elegance, such as the number of steps, use of powerful lemmas, or connections to other areas of mathematics, could allow incorporating this into the quality function. Hybrid Exploration Modes: Allowing for periods of less constrained exploration, perhaps by temporarily reducing the influence of the transition model or using a more randomized search strategy, could increase the chance of discovering unconventional proof paths. Human-in-the-Loop: Integrating 3D-Prover into interactive theorem proving environments, where human mathematicians can guide the search process, provide feedback, and inject their own intuition, could lead to a more fruitful interplay between automation and human creativity.