핵심 개념
Muskits-ESPnet introduces new paradigms for singing voice synthesis by integrating pretrained audio models and exploring discrete representations, enhancing model capability and efficiency while automating the entire data processing workflow.
The research presents Muskits-ESPnet, a comprehensive toolkit that advances singing voice synthesis (SVS) by leveraging pretrained audio models and exploring both continuous and discrete representations.
Key highlights:
- Enhances traditional SVS models by integrating pretrained audio encodings, replacing or complementing mel spectrograms.
- Explores SVS using discrete representations from pretrained models, including semantic tokens from SSL model outputs and acoustic tokens from audio codecs.
- Optimizes the entire data processing workflow to support diverse music file formats, not just specific datasets, and includes an automatic error-check and correction module to improve data alignment accuracy.
- Compiles common feature representations to accommodate different SVS model inputs and introduces a perception auto-evaluation model to significantly reduce the cost and effort of manual scoring.
- Supports the most advanced SVS models and automates the entire data processing workflow, serving as the baseline for the SVS track in the Interspeech 2024 Discrete Speech Unit Challenge.
The toolkit demonstrates exceptional versatility and intelligence, advancing SVS by integrating audio pretraining and exploring both continuous and discrete representations, while optimizing data preprocessing, training, and evaluation to set a new standard for future SVS developments.
Muskits-ESPnet reduces the time cost of the data processing workflow by approximately 60% compared to the previous generation.
"Muskits-ESPnet advances SVS by integrating audio pretraining and exploring both continuous and discrete representations, enhancing model capability and efficiency."
"Our toolkit features robust data preprocessing, error correction, and support for diverse inputs, optimized training and inference workflows, along with auto-evaluation, demonstrating its potential to support cutting-edge SVS models while reducing costs."