The paper proposes a novel curriculum data augmentation technique called "colorful cutout" for image data. The key ideas are:
Colorization: Instead of simply erasing a random box region in the image (as in traditional cutout), colorful cutout fills the box with a random color. This introduces additional variation in the augmented images.
Curriculum Learning: The size of the erasure box is divided into an increasing number of sub-regions over the training epochs. Each sub-region is filled with a different random color. This gradually increases the difficulty and complexity of the augmented images as training progresses.
The authors conducted experiments on three image classification datasets (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Tiny ImageNet) and three different model architectures (ResNet50, EfficientNet-B0, ViT-B/16). The results show that colorful cutout outperforms traditional cutout and other augmentation techniques like mixup and cutmix. The ablation study also highlights the importance of the curriculum learning aspect of the proposed method.
The paper concludes by discussing the potential of applying curriculum data augmentation to other image augmentation strategies and introducing soft labels for augmented data based on their difficulty.