wawasan - Distributed Systems - # Decentralized Optimization

New Decentralized Conjugate Gradient and Memoryless BFGS Methods for Nonconvex and Strongly Convex Optimization

Konsep Inti
This paper introduces NDCG and DMBFGS, two novel decentralized optimization algorithms designed to efficiently solve nonconvex and strongly convex problems, respectively, by leveraging the strengths of conjugate gradient and memoryless BFGS methods in a decentralized setting.

Bibliographic Information:

Wang, L., Wu, H., & Zhang, H. (2024). Decentralized Conjugate Gradient and Memoryless BFGS Methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.07122v2.

Research Objective:

This paper aims to develop efficient decentralized optimization algorithms for minimizing a finite sum of continuously differentiable functions over a fixed-connected undirected network, addressing the limitations of existing decentralized conjugate gradient and quasi-Newton methods.


The authors propose two new algorithms:

  1. NDCG (New Decentralized Conjugate Gradient): Designed for nonconvex problems, NDCG utilizes average gradient approximations tracked via a dynamic average consensus technique and a novel conjugate parameter with a restart property.
  2. DMBFGS (Decentralized Memoryless BFGS): For strongly convex problems, DMBFGS leverages a scaled memoryless BFGS approach to capture Hessian curvature information efficiently using only vector-vector products, ensuring bounded eigenvalues for quasi-Newton matrices without regularization or damping.

The convergence properties of both algorithms are rigorously analyzed. NDCG is proven to have global convergence with constant stepsizes for general nonconvex problems, while DMBFGS demonstrates global linear convergence for strongly convex problems.

Key Findings:

  • Existing decentralized CG methods suffer from limitations such as inexact convergence with constant stepsizes and reliance on strong assumptions.
  • NDCG overcomes these limitations by employing average gradient tracking and a novel conjugate parameter, achieving global convergence with constant stepsizes under mild conditions.
  • Existing decentralized quasi-Newton methods often rely on conservative regularization or damping techniques that can hinder performance.
  • DMBFGS provides an aggressive alternative by utilizing a scaled memoryless BFGS approach, efficiently capturing curvature information and ensuring bounded eigenvalues without compromising convergence guarantees.

Main Conclusions:

  • NDCG and DMBFGS offer significant improvements over existing decentralized optimization methods for nonconvex and strongly convex problems, respectively.
  • NDCG's global convergence with constant stepsizes and reliance on mild assumptions make it a practical and efficient choice for decentralized nonconvex optimization.
  • DMBFGS's ability to capture curvature information efficiently without conservative measures enhances its performance for strongly convex problems.


This research contributes significantly to the field of decentralized optimization by introducing novel algorithms that address the limitations of existing methods. The proposed algorithms have the potential to improve the efficiency and scalability of various applications, including decentralized machine learning, wireless networks, and power systems.

Limitations and Future Research:

  • The paper focuses on theoretical analysis and provides limited empirical evaluation of the proposed algorithms.
  • Future work could explore the practical performance of NDCG and DMBFGS on real-world decentralized optimization problems.
  • Investigating the extension of these algorithms to handle constraints and time-varying networks would be valuable.

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The paper mentions that existing decentralized quasi-Newton methods often require a perturbation parameter to be bounded below for convergence. The range of the stepsize α for NDCG and GT is analyzed for different network connectivity scenarios (σ values).
"To the best of our knowledge, NDCG is the first decentralized conjugate gradient method to be shown to have global convergence with constant stepsizes for general nonconvex optimization problems." "DMBFGS ensures quasi-Newton matrices have bounded eigenvalues without introducing any regularization term or damping method."

Wawasan Utama Disaring Dari

by Liping Wang,... pada 11-04-2024
Decentralized Conjugate Gradient and Memoryless BFGS Methods

Pertanyaan yang Lebih Dalam

How do the communication costs of NDCG and DMBFGS compare to other decentralized optimization methods in practice, considering factors like network bandwidth and latency?

NDCG and DMBFGS, like many other decentralized optimization methods built on gossip-based communication protocols, typically involve a fixed communication overhead per iteration. Let's break down how they compare: NDCG and DMBFGS: Both algorithms require each node to exchange information with its neighbors once per iteration. This makes their communication cost comparable to other first-order methods like Decentralized Gradient Descent (DGD) or Gradient Tracking (GT). Impact of Network Bandwidth: The actual communication time is influenced by the size of the messages being exchanged. Since NDCG and DMBFGS primarily share gradients or model parameters (vectors), the bandwidth consumption is generally manageable, especially when dealing with relatively low-dimensional problems. However, in scenarios with high-dimensional data or limited bandwidth, this communication can become a bottleneck. Sensitivity to Latency: High network latency can significantly slow down both NDCG and DMBFGS. Each iteration requires waiting for the slowest node in the network to complete its communication step. This synchronous nature makes these algorithms sensitive to variations in node responsiveness. Comparison to Other Methods: Methods with Higher Communication: Some decentralized methods, like those employing dual ascent or requiring multiple consensus steps per iteration, tend to have higher communication overheads than NDCG or DMBFGS. Asynchronous Methods: Asynchronous algorithms, where nodes don't need to wait for a global synchronization barrier, can be more robust to latency. However, they often come with more complex convergence analyses. Practical Considerations: Communication Compression: Techniques like quantization or sparsification can be applied to reduce the size of messages in NDCG and DMBFGS, mitigating bandwidth limitations. Topology-Aware Communication: Optimizing the communication topology (e.g., using spanning trees or clustering) can help reduce the impact of latency.

Could the reliance on constant stepsizes in NDCG potentially limit its performance in scenarios where adaptive stepsize strategies might be more beneficial?

Yes, the use of constant stepsizes in NDCG can be a limiting factor in certain scenarios. Here's why: Problem Landscape Variations: Adaptive stepsize strategies are particularly valuable when the optimization landscape is complex, exhibiting significant variations in curvature. Constant stepsizes might be too large in some regions, leading to oscillations, or too small in others, resulting in slow progress. Sensitivity to Hyperparameter Tuning: Selecting an appropriate constant stepsize often requires careful hyperparameter tuning. This process can be time-consuming and might not generalize well across different problem instances or datasets. Dynamic Environments: In online or dynamic optimization settings, where the objective function changes over time, a fixed stepsize might not be able to adapt effectively to the evolving landscape. Benefits of Adaptive Stepsizes: Improved Convergence: Adaptive methods can often achieve faster convergence by automatically adjusting the stepsize based on the local geometry of the optimization landscape. Robustness: They tend to be more robust to variations in problem characteristics and less sensitive to the initial stepsize choice. Potential for NDCG Enhancement: While the original NDCG analysis focuses on constant stepsizes, it might be possible to extend it to incorporate adaptive strategies. This would involve: Designing a decentralized mechanism for stepsize adaptation: This mechanism should be communication-efficient and ensure convergence properties. Revising the convergence analysis: The theoretical guarantees would need to be adapted to account for the changing stepsizes.

How can the principles of decentralized optimization be applied to problems beyond traditional machine learning and optimization, such as distributed control systems or resource allocation in peer-to-peer networks?

Decentralized optimization has broad applicability beyond machine learning. Here are examples in distributed control and peer-to-peer networks: 1. Distributed Control Systems: Multi-Agent Robotics: Consider a swarm of robots collaborating to achieve a common goal (e.g., formation control, exploration). Each robot has local sensor information and limited communication. Decentralized optimization enables them to coordinate actions and optimize a global objective (e.g., minimizing distance to a target, maximizing coverage) without relying on a central controller. Smart Grids: In a smart grid, distributed energy resources (like solar panels, wind turbines) need to coordinate to balance supply and demand. Decentralized algorithms allow these resources to optimize their power generation or consumption based on local conditions and grid constraints. Traffic Flow Control: Decentralized optimization can be used to adjust traffic signals in a city dynamically. Each intersection optimizes its signal timing based on local traffic flow and communicates with neighboring intersections to improve overall traffic efficiency. 2. Resource Allocation in Peer-to-Peer Networks: Bandwidth Allocation: In a P2P file-sharing network, decentralized optimization can help allocate bandwidth fairly and efficiently among peers. Each peer can adjust its upload and download rates based on its available bandwidth and the demands of its neighbors. Data Storage: Decentralized algorithms can be used to distribute data storage across a P2P network. Each peer can decide how much data to store based on its storage capacity and the replication needs of the network. Task Scheduling: In a P2P computing grid, tasks can be distributed and scheduled among peers using decentralized optimization. Each peer can decide which tasks to execute based on its computational resources and the overall task completion time. Key Advantages of Decentralized Optimization in These Applications: Scalability: Handles large-scale systems with many interconnected agents or devices. Robustness: Tolerant to failures of individual agents or communication links. Privacy: Can preserve the privacy of local data, as agents only share limited information with their neighbors. Adaptability: Can adapt to changing conditions and environments.