TetraSphere: A Neural Descriptor for O(3)-Invariant Point Cloud Analysis
Konsep Inti
TetraSphere achieves state-of-the-art performance in classifying 3D objects with rotation invariance.
TetraSphere introduces a novel approach using steerable 3D spherical neurons and vector neurons to create an O(3)-invariant descriptor for point cloud analysis. The method embeds 3D spherical neurons into 4D vector neurons, enabling end-to-end training. By performing TetraTransform, the model extracts deeper O(3)-equivariant features using vector neurons. This integration into the VN-DGCNN framework sets a new performance standard in classifying real-world object scans and synthetic data. The practical value of steerable 3D spherical neurons is demonstrated through improved learning in 3D Euclidean space.
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TetraSphere achieves less than 0.0002% increase in parameters compared to baseline methods.
TetraSphere outperforms all equivariant methods on real-world object scans and synthetic data.
The model demonstrates the effectiveness of steerable 3D spherical neurons for learning in 3D space.
"TetraSphere sets a new state-of-the-art performance classifying randomly rotated real-world object scans."
"The results reveal the practical value of steerable 3D spherical neurons for learning in 3D Euclidean space."
Pertanyaan yang Lebih Dalam
How does the integration of steerable 3D spherical neurons improve classification accuracy
What are the implications of achieving rotation invariance without heavy augmentation
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