The author shares their personal experience of how swimming a mile every day for 90 consecutive days transformed their fitness and lifestyle. They grew up as a competitive swimmer, with both parents being accomplished swimmers as well, suggesting a possible genetic predisposition.
The author notes that many Americans, around 60%, do not meet the recommended daily physical activity levels, and 25% are completely inactive. This contributes to the obesity epidemic in the United States. The author acknowledges that going to the gym can be challenging, especially for those who have been away from it for a long time or have accumulated injuries.
The author's 90-day swimming challenge helped them regain their fitness and maintain it for decades. The consistent daily swimming routine not only improved their physical condition but also changed their perspective on exercise and overall well-being. The author emphasizes that this experience can be transformative for others as well, encouraging readers to consider incorporating a similar daily exercise routine into their lives.
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by Sean Kernan : 08-05-2024élyebb kérdések