Bibliographic Information: Eshghie, M., Åryd, V., Monperrus, M., & Artho, C. (2024). SOLIDIFFY: AST Differencing for Solidity Smart Contracts. arXiv preprint arXiv:2411.07718v1.
Research Objective: This paper introduces SOLIDIFFY, a novel Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) differencing tool specifically designed for Solidity smart contracts, and evaluates its effectiveness in generating accurate and concise edit scripts compared to existing tools.
Methodology: The researchers developed SOLIDIFFY with Solidity-specific AST transformation and pruning rules to enhance edit script precision. They conducted a comprehensive evaluation on 354,187 pairs of smart contracts, including a dataset of real-world Solidity contracts and a subset with controlled syntactic changes. The performance of SOLIDIFFY was compared against Difftastic, an existing tool for Solidity differencing, in terms of edit script accuracy and length.
Key Findings: SOLIDIFFY outperforms Difftastic in generating shorter and more precise edit scripts for Solidity smart contracts. It maintains consistent effectiveness regardless of edit distance and code complexity, highlighting its suitability for advanced software engineering tasks. SOLIDIFFY excels in handling complex structural changes, particularly when large code blocks are modified.
Main Conclusions: SOLIDIFFY addresses the limitations of existing differencing tools for Solidity developers by providing a fine-grained and precise approach for detecting changes at the syntactic level. Its ability to generate accurate and concise edit scripts makes it a valuable tool for various downstream tasks, including vulnerability detection, automated code repair, and code reviews.
Significance: This research significantly contributes to the field of smart contract analysis by introducing a specialized tool that enhances the precision and efficiency of code differencing for Solidity. This is crucial for ensuring the security and reliability of smart contracts, given their increasing adoption and the immutability of blockchain deployments.
Limitations and Future Research: The evaluation primarily relied on synthetically generated mutants, which may not fully represent the complexities of real-world smart contract updates. Future research could explore the effectiveness of SOLIDIFFY on more diverse and larger real-world datasets. Additionally, incorporating semantic analysis into SOLIDIFFY could further enhance its capabilities in detecting and representing meaningful code changes.
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