מושגי ליבה
Artificial gauge fields applied to a polariton trion system can induce collective quantum blockade, leading to the generation of single photons and entanglement between subsystems.
The optimal coupling parameter for quantum blockade in a dimer is approximately g/γ ≈ √(2/27) * √(U/γ + 3γ/U) - 2(U/γ).
The minimum value of the second-order correlation function for the collective mode of the trion with an artificial gauge field is g(2)_1+2+3 = 0.016.
The minimum value of the second-order correlation function for the non-Hermitian dimer within the trion is g(2)_1+3 = 0.058.
The bipartite entanglement between the first and second micropillars is characterized by EHZ(1,2) = 0.9964.
The bipartite entanglement between the first and third micropillars is characterized by EHZ(1,3) = 0.9994.