The author discusses the belief that everything in life, from the air we breathe to the people we meet, is predetermined and destined to happen. They argue that this concept of predestination should bring us peace, as it means that what is meant for us will find us, and what is not meant for us will not reach us, no matter the circumstances.
The author reflects on how they often worry about the future and things that have not yet happened, even though they know that what tomorrow brings has already been fated. They emphasize that their existence in this world is not a mere coincidence, but rather a part of a larger plan that was determined long before they were born.
The author suggests that the failures and challenges we face are also a part of this predetermined path, meant to either make us stronger or teach us valuable lessons. Similarly, the people who cross our paths and the events we experience are not mere coincidences, but rather have a purpose in our lives, even if we don't always understand it.
The author concludes by expressing contentment in the belief that everything happens as it should, and that they should cherish the present and find meaning in every experience, as they are all part of the journey that was destined for them.
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by ב- 07-27-2024שאלות מעמיקות