According to the renowned psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, and analytical psychologist Carl Jung, the primary tragedy that most people overlook in their lives is that they unconsciously create and perpetuate their own suffering. Jung observed that people often get trapped in a cycle of self-destruction, unable to break free from the illusions and unconscious factors that veil their world.
Jung argued that the root cause of people's unhappiness lies within themselves, not in external circumstances. He noted that individuals tend to blame others and the "faithless world" for their pain and problems, while remaining "totally incapable of seeing how much the whole tragedy originates in himself." This is because there are unconscious forces at play, such as unmet needs, hidden desires, and the "shadow self" - the parts of oneself that a person would rather not acknowledge or confront.
By failing to address these internal factors, people end up spinning a "cocoon" of illusions that completely envelops them, trapping them in a cycle of self-sabotage and suffering. Jung emphasized that this process often occurs unconsciously, with individuals unaware of how much they are contributing to their own downfall.
The key insight from Jung is that the path to greater happiness and fulfillment lies in cultivating self-awareness, confronting one's shadow self, and taking responsibility for one's own thoughts, emotions, and actions, rather than blaming external circumstances or other people.
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by Thomas Oppon... klo 09-04-2024ällisempiä Kysymyksiä