The paper proposes the RIS-aided receive generalized spatial modulation (RIS-RGSM) scheme, which integrates generalized spatial modulation (GSM) with reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) technology.
The RIS-RGSM scheme consists of two variants: the diversity scheme and the multiplexing (MUX) scheme.
The RIS-RGSM diversity scheme is a simple extension of the existing RIS-aided receive generalized space shift keying (RIS-RGSSK) scheme, where the RIS controller adjusts the reflection phases of its elements to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the selected receive antenna.
The novel RIS-RGSM MUX scheme further enhances the transmission rate by configuring the reflection phases and on/off states of RIS elements to achieve phase and amplitude modulation, respectively. This allows the transmission of additional information bits through the RIS control.
The theoretical bit error rate (BER) of the proposed RIS-RGSM MUX scheme is derived and shown to match well with simulation results. Numerical evaluations demonstrate that the RIS-RGSM MUX scheme outperforms the diversity scheme in terms of BER performance, especially at higher transmission rates. Compared to the existing RIS-RGSSK scheme, the RIS-RGSM scheme can significantly increase the transmission rate when the number of receive antennas is limited, while maintaining good performance.
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by Xinghao Guo,... a las 04-16-2024 más profundas