The paper introduces the concepts of cumulative past information generating (CPIG) function and relative CPIG (RCPIG) measure. The key highlights and insights are:
CPIG and RCPIG are defined, and their properties are studied. CPIG is shown to be related to generalized cumulative past entropy (GCPE) measures.
CPIG stochastic order and its relation with dispersive order are established. Convolution-related results for CPIG are provided.
Inequalities relating CPIG, Shannon entropy, and GCPE are derived. Characterization and estimation results for CPIG are discussed.
Divergence measures between random variables, such as Jensen-CPIG, Jensen fractional cumulative past entropy, cumulative past Taneja entropy, and Jensen cumulative past Taneja entropy information measures, are introduced and studied.
The paper comprehensively explores the CPIG function and its properties, providing a deeper understanding of this information-theoretic measure and its applications in various fields.
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by Santosh Kuma... a las 04-02-2024 más profundas