The content discusses the challenges of dynamic channel allocation in cognitive communication networks and introduces the CARLTON algorithm. It focuses on maximizing signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) while ensuring target quality of service for each network. The algorithm's training procedure, results, and comparison with other algorithms are detailed.
Recent studies have explored dynamic channel allocation (DCA) in cognitive networks to optimize frequency channels among large-scale networks. The proposed CARLTON algorithm utilizes deep reinforcement learning to address the challenges of interference and channel reuse in real-world systems. By incorporating a reward framework that balances personal and social rewards, CARLTON achieves superior efficiency and performance compared to alternative methods.
Key metrics or figures used to support the argument include SINR measurements, average number of channel changes, convergence time, spectrum efficiency, and weighted score values. The content highlights the importance of balancing individual performance with cooperative behavior in distributed systems for efficient channel allocation.
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by Yaniv Cohen,... um 02-29-2024 Fragen