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indsigt - Machine Learning Optimization - # Stochastic gradient descent with logarithmic step size

Efficient Logarithmic Step Size for Stochastic Gradient Descent with Warm Restarts

A novel logarithmic step size for stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with warm restarts is proposed, which achieves an optimal convergence rate of O(1/√T) for smooth non-convex functions.

The paper introduces a new logarithmic step size for the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm with warm restarts. The key highlights are:

  1. The new logarithmic step size exhibits slower convergence to zero compared to many existing step sizes, yet converges faster than the cosine step size. This leads to a higher probability of selecting points from the final iterations compared to the cosine step size.

  2. For the new logarithmic step size, the authors establish a convergence rate of O(1/√T) for smooth non-convex functions, which matches the best-known convergence rate for such functions.

  3. Extensive experiments are conducted on the FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 datasets, comparing the new logarithmic step size with 9 other popular step size methods. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the new step size, particularly on the CIFAR100 dataset where it achieves a 0.9% improvement in test accuracy over the cosine step size when using a convolutional neural network model.


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The paper does not contain any explicit numerical data or statistics to support the key claims. The results are presented in the form of figures and tables comparing the performance of the proposed method with other step size techniques.
"The new proposed step size offers a significant advantage over the cosine step size Li et al. [2021] in terms of its probability distribution, denoted as ηt/∑Tt=1 ηt in Theorem 3.1. This distribution plays a crucial role in determining the likelihood of selecting a specific output during the iterations." "For the new step size, we establish the convergence results of the SGD algorithm. By considering that c ∝O(√T/ln T), which leads to the initial value of the step size is greater than the initial value of the step length mentioned in Li et al. [2021], we demonstrate a convergence rate of O(1/√T) for a smooth non-convex function."

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by M. Soheil Sh... kl. 04-02-2024
New logarithmic step size for stochastic gradient descent

Dybere Forespørgsler

How does the new logarithmic step size perform on other types of objective functions beyond smooth non-convex, such as strongly convex or non-smooth functions

The new logarithmic step size approach has shown promising results for smooth non-convex functions, achieving a convergence rate of O(1/√T). When applied to other types of objective functions, such as strongly convex or non-smooth functions, the performance may vary. For strongly convex functions, the logarithmic step size may not be as effective in ensuring fast convergence to the optimal solution compared to methods specifically designed for such functions. Strongly convex functions typically require step sizes that decrease at a slower rate to ensure convergence. The logarithmic step size, with its gradual decrease, may not provide the necessary speed of convergence for strongly convex functions. Similarly, for non-smooth functions, the behavior of the logarithmic step size may not be optimal. Non-smooth functions often have discontinuities or irregularities that can pose challenges for convergence. The gradual decrease in step size may not be able to navigate these complexities efficiently, leading to slower convergence or suboptimal solutions. To address these limitations, it may be necessary to adapt the step size strategy based on the specific characteristics of the objective function. For strongly convex functions, a step size that decreases more slowly or adapts dynamically based on the curvature of the function may be more suitable. For non-smooth functions, techniques like subgradient methods or specialized optimization algorithms may be more effective in achieving convergence.

What are the potential drawbacks or limitations of the new logarithmic step size approach, and how can they be addressed

While the new logarithmic step size approach offers advantages in terms of probability distribution and convergence rate for smooth non-convex functions, there are potential drawbacks and limitations to consider: Speed of Convergence: The gradual decrease in step size may lead to slower convergence rates, especially for functions with sharp variations or complex landscapes. This can result in longer training times and may require more iterations to reach the optimal solution. Sensitivity to Hyperparameters: The performance of the logarithmic step size approach may be sensitive to the choice of hyperparameters, such as the initial step size and the parameters associated with the step size. Suboptimal hyperparameter settings could impact the convergence behavior and effectiveness of the algorithm. Generalization to Different Architectures: The effectiveness of the logarithmic step size approach may vary across different neural network architectures or optimization problems. It may not generalize well to all types of models or datasets, requiring fine-tuning for optimal performance. To address these limitations, further research and experimentation could focus on adaptive strategies for adjusting the step size dynamically during training, exploring hybrid approaches that combine the benefits of different step size schemes, and conducting thorough sensitivity analyses to identify robust hyperparameter settings.

Can the ideas behind the new logarithmic step size be extended to other optimization algorithms beyond SGD, such as adaptive methods like Adam

The ideas behind the new logarithmic step size approach can potentially be extended to other optimization algorithms beyond Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), such as adaptive methods like Adam. Adaptive Learning Rates: The concept of a logarithmic step size that gradually decreases over iterations can be integrated into adaptive algorithms like Adam to enhance their performance. By incorporating a logarithmic decay schedule for the learning rate in Adam, the algorithm may benefit from a more controlled and efficient optimization process. Hybrid Approaches: Combining the principles of the logarithmic step size with adaptive methods can lead to novel hybrid optimization strategies. For example, a hybrid approach that switches between adaptive learning rates and logarithmic decay based on the characteristics of the objective function or training dynamics could offer improved convergence and generalization. Dynamic Step Size Adjustment: Extending the logarithmic step size concept to adaptive algorithms could involve dynamically adjusting the decay rate based on the optimization progress or the curvature of the loss landscape. This adaptive logarithmic step size strategy could enhance the adaptability and robustness of optimization algorithms in various scenarios. By exploring these extensions and adaptations, the benefits of the logarithmic step size approach can be leveraged to enhance the performance and efficiency of a broader range of optimization algorithms beyond SGD.