المفاهيم الأساسية
Gratitude development varies across cultures due to societal norms and values, impacting how individuals express thankfulness.
Gratitude is a powerful tool for enhancing well-being, but its expression differs globally. Research reveals that cultural influences shape how children and adults convey gratitude. While Americans often emphasize concrete gestures of thanks, collectivist societies like China and South Korea prioritize connective gratitude. The study highlights the importance of understanding diverse cultural perspectives on expressing appreciation.
"85 percent of the world’s population lives in cultures that researchers deem as more collectivist."
"Young Chinese and South Korean children are particularly skilled at connective gratitude."
"Indian participants felt more guilt and sadness after expressing gratitude."
"Americans tend to be very individualistic compared to collectivist cultures."
"Children in Guatemala were particularly partial to verbal gratitude."
"Gratitude comes in different flavors—and it seems that the roots of these variations begin in childhood."
"Cultures as varied as the Japanese, the Inuit, and the Tamils of South India have developed entirely different ways of dealing with the receipt of gifts."
"At a time when society seems to be more about me me me, we really need to get people thinking about connections."